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What Next? Summit

What Next? Summit 2021 – Save the Date!

What has been

It’s been an exciting few months for the Transition Bounce Forward project. Since launching in September we have run 8 webinars exploring What Is? the situation and context we find ourselves in now; What If? how to use the power of imagination and collective visioning to unlock ideas and potential in ourselves and our wider community; and last but not least we have been exploring our ongoing theme of social justice by asking – why is our movement green but mostly white? And how can UK environmental movements become actively anti-racist?

You can watch any of these webinars, including Nick Anim’s presentation on environmental movements and anti-racism on our Youtube channel here.


Seed funding

Alongside this creative thinking we are also going to give practical support to Transition Groups across England through seed funding grants. These grants will enable groups to bounce forward from COVID19 and take practical action in their groups and wider community.

We’ve had over 200 applications for our seed funding, and have awarded £140,000 to amazing projects across the country tackling issues such as food poverty, sustainable transport, solar power, building resilience in the local economy, creating new community hubs, repair and reuse cafes and empowering communities to have a stronger voice and work with Local Authorities who have Declared Climate Emergency. We will be publicly announcing successful seed funding grant recipients on Monday 21st December.

What Next? Summit Save the date!

Coming up in the new year we have our What Next? Summit from 3rd-20th of March.

This online summit is not to be missed! Working with our partners CTRLshift it will build the power of community led action in the UK by bringing together hundreds of community activists who are already making change happen, so together we can have a bigger impact. It will be a space to empower us to create our own future, through inspiring each other, making new connections and sharing knowledge to build a stronger movement that creates the change we want to see in our communities.

The summit will run over a period of three weeks, to enable people to dip in and out as they wish and to allow space for learning, reflection, the building of relationships and concrete pathways of action.

The summit will be taking place in March rather than February as originally planned to enable us to collaborate with a wider range of organisations and community activists to curate a truly exceptional programme.

Each week we will have a different focus, following the flow of What Is? What If? What Next? Below is a general overview of the timeline, we will populate this with much more detail over the coming months, but for now, here are some key dates and moments for your diary so you have an idea what to expect. We look forward to engaging with you all in the next stage of our process in the new year, until then have a nourishing and restful Christmas break.

What Next? Summit Outline 3rd – 20th March